Spring News from Mayumi
Dear One,
I hope everyone is enjoying the coming of spring.
Daffodils, Crocus and tulips, birds, the flowers and trees are reaching their fullness.
As many people may know already, I had a mild stroke the end of January.
After a few months of physical rehabilitation and Acupuncture therapy, I have become stronger and healthier.
I hope this spring to start Chigon which is a more appropriate practice for my age.
My new book, Sarasvati’s Gift, is in the process of final editing, and I hope to have it published next year.
These days, the Earth is shaking; volcanoes are erupting, especially in the Pacific Ring of Fire. My deep condolence for the people who are suffering from disaster and the on-going wars. Hold the vision of peace on a new earth; practice life with the younger generation mindfully everyday.
All my love
Mayumi Oda