"This Sarasvati is painted in a style similar to the Hindu tradition. She holds the veena, the pearl mala, and the sutra. She is riding a white swan on the river of Sarasvati.
Lots of mornings I do a Sarasvati chant with my pearl mala that I received from Joan Halifax. I do this usually three times, seven times, twenty times, or 108 times.
In Japan, there’s a sutra called the Three-Day Completion, or Wish-Granting Sarasvati Sutra. The sutra requires ten thousand chantings of a mantra:
om Sarasvati swaha
om Sarasvati swaha
om Sarasvati swaha
If Sarasvati considers it a proper wish, she will grant it for me in three days."
–Mayumi Oda
A giclée (zhee-KLAY) is a fine art archival pigment print. A reproduction of an original art work, the piece is digitally photographed and then precisely reproduced on a large format printer.
Our giclées are printed using the longest lasting pigmented inks on the finest papers available. We use a water based pigment printer on pH balanced paper. The best quality prints are currently created with 12-color ink sets, as used by our printer.
At this time, this is the only format in which to own Mayumi’s large thangka paintings. Each giclée is signed by Mayumi.
Meditation Puzzles: https://meditationpuzzles.com/product/sarasvati-with-pearls/